Hello Friends!  Alan here:  It’s a beautiful foggy day in Charlotte, NC today.  Let’s have a little ketchup (who here really supports use of “catsup”? Not me!).  Last week we visited the hallowed halls of the North Carolina Cancer Hospital at UNC.  Dr. Goldberg reviewed my CT Scan from December 7 (now a day that will live in praise and honor) and was equally as pleased as Dr. Kuo.  Review of the images shows the liver mets shrinking and hollowing out and the colon tumor shrinking.  Dr. Goldberg perceives this and the liver pain that I’ve been experiencing as evidence of tumors dying.  

Thanks....I needed that!

To quote the old aftershave commercial, “Thanks, I needed that!”  Eight rounds of chemotherapy has not been a walk in the proverbial park.  Last week (prior to the scan) I was as trepidated as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs as we walked into the chemo clinic.  One of the “neat” side effects of chemo is that many patients experience a heightened sense of smell.  Walking into the clinic I could smell the drugs no less than three sets of double doors away from the infusion room.  Imagine smelling rotten tequila while experiencing the worst hangover you’ve ever had.  This was my attitude going into treating two weeks ago for Round 8.  

Now, however, we’ve reviewed the CT Scan and seen that both the liver and the colon tumors are shrinking.  I’ve mentioned to you all that I use mental imagery in this healing process.  As no surprise, the dozen or so Rocky movies make there way into my healing imagination often.  With good news having come last week, I’m reminded of Rocky IV…the one were Rocky fights Drago, the Russian, after Drago has killed Rocky’s friend Apollo Creed in the ring.  

Uhhh, could I fight da ref instead?

Let me recap for you:  Drago is bigger and stronger than Rocky.  Drago is deadly.  Rocky employs his proven method of beating the opponent’s fists to a pulp with his face.  Rocky reached down to his heart and punches for all he’s worth.  Finally, Rocky connects and the beast is cut.  He’s bleeding…for the first time.  He’s shaken and he’s frightened.  The rest of the fight is not easy, but Rocky continues to use both his fists and his face as a weapon.  Beaten to a pulp, Rocky continues to reach deep and find heart to power his punches.  Drago is continually amazed/dismayed that Rocky gets up and continues to fight.

Here’s a Youtube summary.  Warning:  This is ten minutes long.  Only watch it if you’ve got a little time.  If you’re up against a beast, put yourself in Rocky’s shoes.  Watch the heart exhibited.  Watch for Drago to be wounded and frightened around 3:39.  Watch for the beast to be afraid and dismayed.  No doubt, this illness has raised my appreciation for some marginal cinema.  

Like Rocky, I needed to see my opponent bleed.  Now I’ve got new breath and resolve.  We’re going in for Round 9 today at 0915 hrs.  I’m NOT dreading it.  I’m ready to use my face and my fists as a weapon against this beast.  (Those of you that have been down the chemotherapy path can really relate to how accurate this analogy is.) 

Uh oh! I did't know THIS could happen....

In any fight, over-confidence will gain you a quick trip to the canvas.  I’m emboldened by these results and ready to fight with redoubled resolve.  I am NOT foolish enough to think that this status is as a result of me or just medical science.  I’m reading Lance Armstrong’s book.  Let me Cliff Note it very succinctly for you.  According to Lance, he survives cancer because he’s really awesome (just ask him) and so is medical science.  He doesn’t place God in the equation of his survival.  Me, besides just the size of my butt, I’m different than Lance.  I count foremost God’s healing hand as the reason for any improvement in this battle.  I’m also very cautious to avoid bravado or over-confidence that could pop up as a result of this good report.  I’ve noticed something here:  Satan can use good news as a very effective weapon against us and our attempts to have a relationship with God.  My family and I have been ELATED as a result of the good news from last week.  Now, I’m praying that this NOT be a point of pride or confidence and that I continue to place myself in God’s hand.  Have you noticed this in your life?  Have you seen a time when fortune was coming your way and you noticed that it might be a weapon pointed against you?  Disclaimer:  I’m NOT in any way unthankful for our new good news.  Just thinking about it…

So, off to Round 9 now.  Thanks to you all for thinking of us and praying for us.  I know that it’s this that has made a difference.  Talk to you soon!  Love,
